Planning a masonry project this winter? When is the right time to start masonry work during winter?

Can Masonry Work Be Done In Winter?
Yes and No. Yes if you want to have indoor residential housing maintenance done. These include jobs such as rebuilding, building, or remodeling walls, chimneys, or fireplaces. No, if you’re planning on tuck-pointing deficient mortar joints on exterior walls and columns. These jobs are typically left for the warmer months of the year.
Can Masonry Mortar Cure in Cold Weather?
With the proper precautions, mortar can cure during cold weather. The primary concern for curing mortar in cold weather is keeping the newly constructed masonry from freezing.Â
Water acts as a lubricant in mortar and keeps the cement in mortar hydrated. As water is absorbed and evaporated, the mortar stiffens and hardens. This process can be slowed or stopped when temperatures fall below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
What Temperature Is Ideal For Masonry Work?
Temperatures between 60 °F and 80 °F are Ideal for the placement and curing of masonry mortar. In cold weather when temperatures fall below 40 °F mortar materials need to be heated, otherwise, the mortar is likely to exhibit slower setting times and lower early strengths.
When Should You Request An Inspection/Estimate?
As long as surfaces are exposed, usually, late winter to early spring is ideal for homeowners to request inspections and receive written estimates for remedial masonry work.